Damien turned two months old on December 13, 2010. He had a big growth spurt in his second month (new stats below). He is much more alert and awake, gone are the days of our sleepy baby who falls asleep on his own. Now, for the most part, Mr. D requires some parental intervention to fall to sleep for his nap (after some fussing and fighting on D's part). He is also much more vocal and smiley and will coo at you and try to imitate sounds and smile in response to your smile (see photos below). Man, doesn't his smile just melt your heart? He's still having a hard time with his reflux issues, poor little guy. But his Zantac is helping the problem as well as this herbal remedy called colic calm that we can only seem to find in Sacramento! Overall he is a great baby with a mellow temperament (unless he has reflux or is overtired but that is pretty understandable) who is content to sit there and just look around with wide eyes.
Height: 25 1/4 in - 97%
Weight: 13.7 1/4 lbs- 90%
Head Circumference: 41 3/4 cm - 90%

What's happening hot stuff?

How do you like this big boy grin?

Oh mommy, you are so funny!

Yeah, I know I am cute.
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