A little over a week after returning from Hawaii, little jet-setter Damien packed his bags again and headed back to the airport. This time, a trip to France to visit his French relatives for the holidays! It was questionable as to whether our flight would be canceled because of major snow storms in London, Paris and Frankfurt (our connecting city). The European airports were a hot mess because of being virtually shut down for days before our departure day. All flights to Frankfurt were canceled the day before our flight. Friends of ours got stuck in their connecting cities (some for days), so Damien packed a big duffle bag with all of his necessities to keep on the plane with him in case of getting stuck in Frankfurt for a few days (so much for traveling light).
Because of the weather issues and because when Momma booked the reservation over the phone (complicated miles ticket) they mispelled Mathias' name as Lathias, we arrived at the airport about 5 hours early to try and correct the ticket issue and have plenty of time to get checked in and through security leisurely. Well, of course once we arrived we were told that they couldn't change the name because doing so would require them to cancel the ticket and because so many people were trying to get to Frankfurt because of the days of cancelled flights, it would get picked up before they could reissue in the correct name. So, we had to take our chances with Mathias flying under the new alias Lathias.
So, after checking in we went to security and the agent checking the passport noticed the mispelling, told us to wait to the side in the line (with our many carry on bags - awkward) while he called a supervisor to assist. Once the supervisor finally arrived with several agents the took Mathias out of the line for lots of questioning. After realizing that the ticket could not betted down and attest to being himself. Phew! We were hoping we would have the same luck in our connection in Frankfurt and didn't think it likely they would turn us back to the US or keep us in Germany.
Finally it was time to board the plane. We were happy to take advantage of the early boarding for families with small children. Damien of course went to the bathroom right before boarding necessitating a full diaper and clothing change in one of the bathrooms on our way to our seats! We had reserved the bulk head row with a bassinet. We found ourselves sitting next to a family that was traveling back to Germany for the holidays with their 6 week old and their almost 2 year old who, not having napped that day, was a crying mess. Damien was a champ again on take-off, no crying! Little D was also mostly tranquil during the whole flight. A little fussy here and there and only one big hissy fit when he knocked momma's water out of the glass and all over himself and papa and needed a big diaper and outfit change. He did not, however, like his bassinet. Nope, not a fan one bit. He played in it for a little while once, and slept a little bit, but for the most part he would cry every time we put him in it. The plane was also hot hot hot, so we didn't want to put him in his green burrito (the fleece velcro swaddle blanket he sleeps in) so for one nap Papa leaned over and held his arms down so they would not wake him up. Momma, therefore, didn't sleep more than 45 minutes on the 10 hour flight, and was a little jealous of the 6 week old baby who slept in his bassinet almost the whole flight!
The plane was a little late, so we arrived in Frankfurt with less than an hour before our scheduled flight to Paris. That resulted in one of the most hectic connections ever. Luckilly passport control had no problems with Lathias. After that we ran through the enormous airport, with Mathias looking like a sherpa with all our bags (2 duffle bags, one backpack and one diaper bag/purse and a carseat), and Momma ran with little D asleep (thankfully) strapped into the Bjorn. Thankfully, when we reached security they again had no issues with Lathias and allowed us to go to the head of the business security line because of Little D. After that, more running! We made it to the gate with minutes to spare, only to realize that they were late and loading passengers onto a bus to take us to our plane on the tarmac at a different terminal (that we ran through!). Thankfully, our flight to Paris was only a little late and not fully booked so we were able to spread out. We arrived in Paris and all of our luggage made it (remarkable since many people that managed to make it to Paris in the weather mess did so without their luggage - we saw the roped off areas of thousands of pieces of luggage to prove it).
We were very fortunate to have Lathias' aunt Frederique waiting for us to take us to the apartment we were staying at (Mathias' good friend Lal let us stay at his apartment all by ourselves - a great luxury - THANKS LAL!!!). Our adventure did not stop at the airport, however, as it was snowing and that made the freeway a parking lot. All would have been well but Momma forgot to take care of her needs at the airport and needed a bathroom badly. Additionally, in the mad scramble to get ALL our luggage and the baby in the small car in the freezing cold, we left the cooler bag with all the bottles of breastmilk in the trunk. Damien was not pleased when he woke up starving. So, as soon as we could get off the freeway, we pulled over (more like stopped half in the street half in the sidewalk) so Papa could get the milk from the trunk and Momma could relieve herself in the public toilet on the sidewalk. After this little excitement, we finally made it to Lal's. The end you think. Oh, not so. Poor Papa (well he did it to himself so you can't really feel sorry for him) had a blueEnergy board meetingto attend so he quickly showered and changed and ran out the door. Momma (more tired at this point than she has ever been) and Damien, on the other hand, went straight to bed and thankfully stayed there most of the evening/night.
Whew! Did you get that?
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