He would go for a nice long morning walk with Mommy every morning in his stoller along the path that boardered the beach. He would also go for a sunset stroll with both Mommy and Papa, usually on the beach in the baby bjorn with Papa (even on the day that it rained - he was bundled up and shielded from the rain and warm so Papa wanted to show him that contrary to Mommy's belief humans do not melt in the rain). And, little D did get to put his feet in the ocean and go swimming in the pool with Papa's careful guidance (Mommy was to scared to do it so she documented the events instead!).
Meanwhile, Mommy and Papa took turns being condo bound with baby so the other could enjoy getting some exercise, swimming, and brief sunbathing. Little D also slept or calmly hung out in his stroller so that Mommy and Papa could enjoy a happy hour mai tai in the jacuzzi a few times and a poolside brunch with mimosas one morning . Thanks D! It was a fun trip with lots of quality family bonding time. But boy was it an eye opener on how things have changed!!
Finally, D was a champ on the flight back. We got a row of 5 all to ourselves again, and this time we brought his car seat on. D liked that alot and slept better and played more peacefully. He didn't really even cry once, just a fuss here and there to let us know he was hungry or needed to be changed. Houston, we have a traveler! He did, however, seem to get a little out of sorts once we got home, and would only sleep if held, and then only for short bits. While he is still not sleeping as well at night as before, he's starting to get back to his old self after a few days home. Of course now Mommy and Papa are going to wisk him off to Europe, we'll see how that goes. Stay tuned!
Naptime on our arrival day!
Our usual evening activity, a sunset stroll.
Keeping D out of the sun in his shade tent. He "went" in the ocean later with Papa, i.e. the stood at the waters edge and Papa bent down and put D's feet in the water when the waves came in.
One of D's condo activities, playing on the floor.
Another condo activity, playing on the bed.
D playing in his swing that we rented for the stay, a lifesaver! D is oblivious to the gorgeous view behind him.
D gets a better look at the amazing view from our balcony with Papa.
Milk drunk and happy! (Ok so the photo is staged, but it does reflect what the condo looked like in the morning after the delirious parents left bottles strewn about the place during the night/early morning)
The baby whisperer. Papa would often hold D while he slept and simulaneously work or play chess on-line. Momma also held D while he was napping alot, no wonder he didn't want to sleep any other way when we returned home. Was wondering where he picked that up from, but we have the pictures to prove the frequency of the cuddle nap!
Multi-tasking Momma enjoying a happy hour Mai Tai by the pool while ready and swaying little D. Many days he would just not be content unless he was being swayed in the Moby wrap on Momma. This was one of those days (hence the need for the Mai Tai!).
How D typically spent his time outside in Hawaii - hiding out from the sun! He's sure to have great memories of being on the inside of his throne.
Most of D's water action on Hawaii was in the giant bathtub with Momma. He loves the water and had a lot of fun sharing bathtime with Momma. But, boy does he hate coming out of the water - immediate hysterics.
Sitting on the beach in the morning watching Papa take a little swim.
Getting ready for his first swim in the pool on our last day (when we finally discovered a pool that was shaded in the late afternoon when it was still warm out - the main pool our room overlooked only had shade late late in the day when it started to get a little cool out and Momma didn't want him wet and cold!!)
Post swim with Momma, he conked out immediately after this after being changed into regular clothes, guess his little swim was taxing on the little guy. Momma is proud of her little fish.

Post bath after calming down from his post bath hysterics.

In the water with Papa, he was a little shocked and uncertain at first, but it quickly turned to indifference (and maybe a tad bit of enjoyment)

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