In between Damien's travels to Hawaii and France, Damien received a last minute special visit from Grandma Linda (aka Nana). Upon arriving home from Hawaii, Damien refused to sleep unless being held. He just didn't want to be put down. This sent Momma into a bit of a panic as there was lots to be done before the trip to France and Papa had to prepare for his board meeting so he was going to be pulling all nighters for work and not baby duty. Grandma Linda came to the rescue and flew up to help us all out on a moment's notice. She was a big help and even slept on the couch so she could get up in the middle of the night and let Mathias hole away in his office (which is also the guest room). Thanks Nana!

So happy to see her grandson and more than willing to hold him when he slept.

Another sucessful nap inuced!

Bathtime with the lilttle monkey.

Nana trying to master the burrito wrap.
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