Thursday, July 28, 2011

Damien Is A Ham

Little D is such a sweetheart and quite a smiley little dude. He loves to laugh, giggle, smile. He is so much fun. Lately he's been really exercising his evil laugh, this evil sounding cackle that is hilarious. He is so amused with himself when he does it. He's been going to day care every now and then when one of his regular caretakers can't and they always comment on how happy and sweet he is. Yes, he does cry, and he does fuss. But, Momma tends to only break out the camera when he is in a good mood (it just feels wrong to take his picture when he is crying). Here are some of the latest great D shots.

Well rested after a nice 11 hour sleep, and happy to be reunited with his toys again.

This is yummy.

I love playing in my room.

Mommy, you are soooo silly.

I don't know what this silly thing is, but I will smile if it makes you happy.

Wanna play ball?

I love cups!

Aren't I the cutest thing?

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