Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Damien is 9 Months Old!

Damien is 9 months old. And cute as can be. He kept up in his height class at 97% coming in at 48 1/2 inches, but he dropped in his weight class from 97% to 90% with a weight of 23.9. A big boy!!

Damien has no interest in crawling, still hates to be on his stomach, although now apparently sleeps on his stomach regularly. He's still sleeping like a champ, about 11 hours, and most nights, goes down with smiles on his face. He's still super smiley and likes to laugh his evil sounding laugh, it's pretty hilarious. He still occasionally growls, and every now and then makes little raspberry sounds. He also says daaadaadaadaaa a lot.

He has figured out how to pivot while sitting down, so he can pivot 360 degrees. He can also stand while holding on to something pretty well. He loves to play ball. If you bounce a ball into his lap, he'll throw it back to you (after trying to suck on it for good measure). He has 6 teeth, four on top, two on the bottom and they are all pretty big at this point. He eats all sorts of food now, and usually loves to feed himself finger food, although he does prefer the mashed food on occasion. He loves raspberries, strawberries, avocado, yogurt, the baby puffs, baby rice crackers. and Momma's chicken, sweet potato, onion combo. That about sums him up!

At the Doctor's office, look Ma no hands (from Daddy)

Loving the Doctor toy.

Yep, still taking baths on the kitchen counter

I just love to try and get things on the counter I am not supposed to get, that is my favorite bath time activity.

Celebratory pre-bed, 9mo milestone grab.

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