Our little active monkey.
Second, Damien has been sleeping in his crib - we are actually using the nursery as a nursery and not a storage room anymore! After we got back from France, Momma decided that since little D was adjusting to his home and a new time zone, we'd make the transition to his crib in his own room while he had to deal with change (plus he probably didn't remember his bassinet anyway). Well, the first couple of nights dealing with jet lag were ROUGH. But we kept at it by giving him lots of daylight, taking him outside during the day, waking him up from his late afternoon naps after 2 hours and trying to push the bedtime back a little each day (the first day back it was at 3:45pm - so up at 8pm, then 11pm, then 2am ready to go!).
Photo taken during an extra long jet lag induced nap - hence the bright lights to make him think it was daytime.
Since moving to his crib, Damien has logged two record sleeps. First, a 7 1/2 stretch - which was AMAZING. On this night Papa had agreed to take the first night feeding so stayed up working and then rested on the couch since he though little D's cries would be imminent. Well weren't momma and papa surprised when momma woke up for a bathroom break at 3am to find a confused papa on the couch. Could it really be 3am? Momma of course rushed in to make sure little D was alive and well - he was - and woke up shortly after that for his nighttime feed. Then a few days later, Damien slept from 7:45pm to 6:30am - NO JOKE! Momma and Papa could not believe it. Momma woke up at 4am (shocked Damien hadn't demanded to be fed already) and then had a hard time going back to sleep because she was sure Damien would be up any minute. Nope, little D SLEPT THE WHOLE NIGHT!! A new happy trend? Nah - probably a growth spurt a friend told us. And, no repeat performance yet. Still hoping though.
Damien in his "sleep suit" - our house gets cold at night and no blankets in cribs and this keeps him warm and snug since we don't swaddle him at night anymore (it agitated him too much and he broke free every time). Momma got the idea from the infamous Magic Sleep Suit which looked just like the snow suit Damien already had. He logged his two record sleeps in this thing - so we're going with it!

Our serious boy - not to sure about this wake-up thing.
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