After about 5 days in Brezin, we headed back to Lyon for our final week in France. Unfortunately, Papa, Momma and Uncle G cought a stomach bug of sorts. Luckilly, little D didn't get this wave of illness. So, more recovery and more lounging. Towards the end of the trip, however, Momma and Papa took advantage of having an eager Grandma around more than happy to watch little D to have a couple of date nights and other free moments to enjoy the great city of Lyon. Momma and Papa went for nice long walks along the river, shopped at the amazing outdoor farmers market, enjoyed some drinks at some fun bars, went out for delicious dinners twice and took a ride on the farris wheel! Little D stayed in the warm comfort of Colette's adorable apartment for the most part cause Momma was paranoid about him getting sick again, but he did manage to get one night out on the town for a little stroll and a big adventure at an amazing local park (see next post!). Thank you so much Grandma Colette for everything!!!!

Getting a bottle in the FREEZING train station in Paris awaiting the train to Lyon

Back in Lyon, more snuggle time in bed.
In the green burrito wrap.

Baby power! Damien's notorious victory stance after being released from his burrito wrap (i.e. swaddle blanket).

Playing with his toys on Grandma's comfy couch.

Another hard day at the office.

Special smiles for Grandma.

Hanging out with Grandma and jungle friends.

Watching the Oregon Duck game with Momma and Papa, such a sad outcome =(

Snuggle time with Grandma.

Just one of the boys - hanging with papa and uncle G

More snuggle time with Grandma.

Showing off one of his new French outfits (thank you Gael).

Damien out on the town, sporting his little rain poncho that he received as a gift from his French aunt Frederique (thanks!).

So sad to say goodbye to cousin Benu.
The victory stance is hysterical and amazing. :)