Friday, April 13, 2012

Damien is 18 Months

Our little guy is 18 months. One and a half trips around the sun. Boy time flies when you are having fun, and we are having a blast - well most of the time. Our boy is a sweet, loving, adventurous, spirited, strong willed child. We love him more than words can express.

His smile lights up our days. His laughter makes our hearts soar. His hugs and kisses make our whole body melt with love, joy and happiness. Yes, it really is that great.

Sure, he has his moments. He sometimes wakes up on the WRONG side of the crib. Instead of waking up laughing and talking and playing with his friends in his crib (baby, mono, elmono, giraffe, night night, etc.) like he usually does, he'll wake up screaming and ask for milk, then throw the milk, only to wail for it louder, then ask for eggs, then throw the eggs, then hit momma when she says not to throw the eggs, then sob when momma says not to hit and walks away. These are the tough mornings, the ones where we are thankful for the reprieve that work brings.

But, not long after getting to work, we miss our little guy. And can't wait to return to him. And no matter what they day brought, his little smile just makes all the issues melt away (for the time being =P ).

Damien is getting more into cars, and trucks, and busses and trains. He loves Thomas alot, prefers it over Elmo, and likes to push cars and trucks around making car noises. Such a little boy. He still loves his balls, his bubbles and his balloons. He loves to hit balloons with a squash racket or a little kiddie paddle. It's adorable actually. He backs up to his toy bookcase or the couch, and then bends his knees into ready position - who taught him this? He nails the balloon almost perfectly every time.

Damien loves to climb, especially on chairs. His vocabulary is incredible and growing every day. He's a bit of an echo. He will repeat some of the words you say when talking. He learns many new words each day. Some of our recent favorites include "que rico," "shake your booty," "crocodile," "Mommy's coffee," and "Mathias."

He's getting better at feeding himself, but it's still super messy, and even though he can drink out of a real cup by himself, he still often almost drowns himself and spills the water when trying to take it on the go. He's out of the high chair, and will only willingly eat at his little table or on mommy's lap.

He loves playing with his girlfriend's next door, and often will yell repeatedly for them over the fence. He just goes bananas when they come over to play. He also loves to go to daycare. When we tell him it is time to go, he runs to the door and says "Jacket," "Maria," and "Ninos." When we drop him off he runs off in a flash, and there are no tears. We are so thankful for that.
What an amazing ride this has been. Dreams do come true.

1 comment:

  1. He is truly a wonderful and amazing child and all the more so because he is my grandson. When I see the blog pictures of him I just melt with love.
    If only you lived closer to us.
    Damien high energy and moods reminds me of you, dear Lorelei. As Mathias often says: "He may look just like me but he is all Lorelei on the inside." Baby D also has a heart of gold just like his mother.
    MA GA
