Thursday, February 2, 2012

Damien Does Daycare

Papa needs more time for work, and a spot opened up at a daycare that Mommy's friend has been sending her child to since he was five months old (and he's a few months older than D). So we enrolled Damien in this home based daycare near our big local park, so walking distance from the house, one day a week. It is run by these two sweet Latina women. There are 7 kids total on the day Damien goes. They go to the park, in a big multiple kid buggy, when it is nice out. Mommy has seen the kids almost every Monday when she is with D at the park and the kids always seem happy and the caregivers totally in control of them. Still, Mommy was a nervous wreck and afraid that D would be scared about the new situation.

Well, if he was, you couldn't tell. Papa dropped him off and he immediately ran to play with a doll and when Papa said goodbye, D said goodbye without a fuss. D apparently had a great day, he played nicely with the other kids, didn't cry once, took an hour nap, ate well (they feed them breakfast and lunch) and was very happy. He did go to the door once or twice and say "dadda, dadda" but was easily distracted and never cried. When Papa went to pick him up he was running around and giggling. And when asked if he had a fun day he enthusiastically said "Yeah! Fun!!" Yay!

Running straight for the baby doll.

It's OK Mom, I am having a great time.

Playing up till the last minute.

Getting his charriot ready to go home.

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