D's a simple man really.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Damien Visits Maga and AyeAyeAye
D had the opportunity to return to LA to see Maga and AyeAyeAye and Aunts Candy and Pam. He arrived to quite the toddler paradise created by Grandma Linda (Maga). There were Elmo and Thomas balloons, books, toys, dolls. There was a new swing, TWO easels, a sand box, chairs, a playhouse, ride on toys, pull toys, push toys, balls, books, cars. It looked like a preschool. D was thrilled (thank you Maga). He had a blast with all the stuff, but mostly with his beloved extended family - who all squeal and scream and clap with everything he does! He is king of the castle in LA, and loves it. Thankfully, he slept very well in his own room. Auntie Pam slept on a blow-up bed in the living room so he could have his own room and Momma and Papa could have Aunt Pam's room (Thank you Pam). It was such a fun trip, despite the little rain on the last day (which caused snow on the Grapevine and shut it down, almost stranding the Craigs). Thank you Kleins.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Damien Discovers Shaving Cream
Well, Momma tries to give Damien new fun activities to try, especially cheap ones (since he is usually more interested in newspaper and boxes than fancy toys). So, Damien got to discover shaving cream one day. He was surprised, scared, elated, then so over it. Overall though I think he had a blast.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Damien Looses the Bottle
Our little guy has been using his sippy cup (but only one kind, the kind with the straw) for a while now. But, he wanted his bottle before bedtime and when he first got up. Well, he was finally ready to ditch the bottle. He easily transitioned this week to sippy cup only, and never asked for the bottle. When he woke up on the wrong side of the bed one morning this week and was inconsolable for a while we offered him the bottle, which he promptly threw. He refused to take the bottle but would drink his milk in the sippy cup. Our boy is growing up!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
A Day In The Life of Damien
Well, today was one of those perfect Saturdays. And, Momma just happen to snap pictures all day long (somewhat rare these days) so, a day in the life of Damien post is appropriate.
D's day started off at the usual 7:15ish range. Our little guy was in good spirits. After some milk while watching Elmono (Elmo), D had the good fortune of having his two girlfriends from next door stop by. D was in heaven.

[Enjoying his new chair (Thank you Grandma Linda), his favorite Elmo book and his favorite neighbors.]

[Playing with his ball - but wanting everyone else's ball) at the park.]

[Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles (it is a spell only word in the house now since someone is soooo obsessed with bubbles).]

[Daddy makes bubbles fun].

[Dogs Dogs, everywhere]

D's day started off at the usual 7:15ish range. Our little guy was in good spirits. After some milk while watching Elmono (Elmo), D had the good fortune of having his two girlfriends from next door stop by. D was in heaven.
[Enjoying his new chair (Thank you Grandma Linda), his favorite Elmo book and his favorite neighbors.]
After the neighbor girls left, D had his usual favorite breakfast of two scrambled eggs and fresh organic raspberries. Breakfast was followed by some morning playtime inside, outside, with toys, with slide, reading books, bubbles, etc. Around 11:30 Damien had a snack which turned into lunch. This was followed by quiet reading in the rocking chair = falling asleep in mommy's arms = 2 hour nap.
After waking up from a glorious nap, D had a snack and headed out for a new adventure - a walk to a new park nearby. It was a gorgeous, sunny and warm day in Berkeley. Damien really enjoyed checking out a new slide and park.
[Playing with his ball - but wanting everyone else's ball) at the park.]
After a quick and relatively painless shopping trip to Berkeley Bowl (only a small meltdown because mommy wouldn't let Damien rearrange the coffee isle), Damien returned home in the glow of the late afternoon to play with bubbles, run around and run into dogs.

[Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles (it is a spell only word in the house now since someone is soooo obsessed with bubbles).]
[Still working on the concept of blowing bubbles without putting the wand in his mouth.]
[Daddy makes bubbles fun].
After another exquisite bubble session, Damien got to play with neighborhood dogs, something he is quite obsessed with at times.

[Dogs Dogs, everywhere]
After petting some adorable dogs, Damien had had enough and needed to recharge his batteries, so time to go back in the house for a little milk and Elmo time in his special chair. Shortly thereafter, Damien received a visit from his godmother Auburn, who brought him an adorable wooden elephant pull toy and played fun games with D that brought many giggles. After a quick, not so interesting to D dinner (he eats a big breakfast, and barely eats dinner these days), D took his bath, changed into PJ's, read some books, did some crying, then fell asleep in Momma's arms. Pretty typical.
Today was a good day.
[Lovin the gift bag!].
Friday, February 3, 2012
Damien Takes a Trip Down Daddy's Memory Lane
Papa's college roommate and good friend Philip Stupak came to down for business and was able to stay an extra day to see all his old college friends. So Damien's Daddy Daycare Friday was spent taking a trip down Daddy's memory lane at Cal. First they started off by going to Zachary's pizza, a delicious Berkeley institution, then some walking around campus with some frisbee throwing on Memorial Glade, then a house party at Chez Craig with Top Dog and Crusty Sticks (cheese sticks dipped in Ranch dressing). D loved meeting Stupak and had a blast with everyone who came to see Stupak.
Meeting the infamous Stupak.
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