Wow, time is flying by. Damien is already six months old. Not surprisingly, but the Dr. appointment confirmed that our big boy is still in the 97% for height and 90% for weight at 20lbs!!!! Our little tiger has, well, decided he's a little tiger. In his six month there have been lots of changes. Perhaps our favorite is that he sometimes just starts to go "Grrrrrrrrr" "Grrrrrrrrrr" "Grrrrrrrrrr." Some of the other changes are that he loves loves loves to jump in his Rainforest jumperoo and Johnny Jumperoo, possibly preferring the Johnny (in the doorway) one since he swings around in it. He also started eating dinner so now he eats two solid meals a day. Still not a huge fan of vegetables (even though mom made pea/carrot and spinach/sweet potato combos to mix sweet veggies in), but he will tolerate them if you actually mix it with some fruit on the spoon (gross!). He can sit up now by himself for short periods of time, he tips over pretty easily though, but he likes to sit and when lying propped on a pillow will try to sit up. And, he figured out how to get out of tummy time, rolls from front to back likitty split every time. He's still getting up once a night for a bottle, the Dr. said this was not necessary, and to try to wean him off this. We've been giving him less, but Mom doesn't want to do the cry it out thing since he sleep so well otherwise, hoping he'll just grow out of this (and he's sleeping through the whole night more often now). He's a happy smilely baby most of the time and so much fun.

Our Big Boy: Height - 29 1/2 inches (97%); Weight - 20.2 lbs (90%); Head - 46 3/4 cm (97%)

Showing off his yoga moves, he loves his toes.

Family Photo on Damien's Half Birthday

Six month photo shoot with his monkeys. "Hey Dude, look over there, someone is coming."

"Oh man, you are sooooo funny, such a silly monkey."

I wasn't going to eat his hand Mommy, I swear."
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