Sunday, February 6, 2011

Damien Goes to the Alameda Flea Market with the Gals

With Papa out of town in Senegal, Damien was dragged to the Alameda Flea Market on Super Bowl Sunday (gasp!). It was a GORGEOUS sunny day. Unfortunately, it took FOREVER to get there. It is quite a bottle neck to get to the parking lot and it took us almost an hour. Poor little D was not too pleased when he woke up from his nap hungry. Since it was stop and go very very little at a time traffic, Momma was able to feed him with her right hand reaching back and drive with the left. Once we were there we met up with Auburn and Deepa. Damien did not want to hang out in his stroller at all, and screamed almost immediately every time Momma tried to put him in it. This was unfortunate, as it was the only shady spot for D to be in. So, Momma carried him in the carrier, where he took a hot nap with the hood over him. After his nap was over, however, he just didn't care much for the sun (even with his hat). So, Momma took off for home, making it in time for the Super Bowl after all.

You made me suffer in the car for all that time for this?

OK Deepa, if you must get a picture of my smiling, I will oblige, but you will all pay for this - I am going to scream my head off in 5, 4, 3, 2, ......

This cool shuttle bus is better, but still too sunny mom.

Ahhh, less clothes, air conditioned car, and we are going home. Now you get it mom.

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