On Friday, October 15th Damien and Momma are released from the hospital and sent home. Damien gets to try out his carseat (properly installed by Papa) in his new car! Thank you Michael and Pat for the carseat, he likes it (mostly). Damien was a champ and slept all the way home (it was a 5 minute ride!).
Once the Craigs got home they were greeted by quite a welcoming party. Grandma Linda, Grandpa Richard and Aunt Pamela arrived from LA, Colette and Maurice were around for the afternoon/evening before heading to Oregon for a few days and good family friend Jane stopped by for a glimpse. Later that evening the incredibly talented Maurice made quite a French feast for the Craigs and Kleins. Thank you Maurice. Then for the next couple of days the Kleins got to enjoy their grandson while giving Momma and Papa some much needed rest.
Ma - I know you like this hat, but it is too big and I can't see!

Damien is asleep for his arrival to his home.
Grandma Colette enjoys snuggling with her grandson.
Jane meets the fresh from the hospital Damien.
Grandpa Richard (Damien's namesake) is the baby whisperer and gets Damien to snooze so Momma and Papa can catch a few winks of sleep.
Grandma Linda meets Damien at last, she's been eagerly awaiting his arrival.

Grandma Linda is in love.
Warm snuggles in my favorite blanket - it will be in a lot of photos - thank you Ashley Rupp, we all can't imagine Damien's life without it.
Damien loves his deluxe swing, thank you Jeff and Laura

Proud Papa with his little bear.
Damien's favorite spot to sleep, on Momma's chest. Momma's a sucker so he gets to sleep there frequently when he is not pleased with his crib or swing. They say you can't spoil a newborn, and even if you could ...
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