Momma's been remiss in updating the blog. She's been
uber busy. But she's back! And introducing Damien at 17 months! Can you believe it! Time is flying by. On the one had, it seems crazy that he is almost a year and a half. On the other hand, it's crazy that he can do and say so much and is so independent, but not even a year and a half!
So, now for a summary snapshot of our little boy at 17 months. He LOVES Thomas the Tank Engine - and all trains - and Elmo. Every time we read a book that has a train in it, he just wants to go to the page with the train, and he says, remarkably, in a surprised and ecstatic voice "
Chooo Chooo!" As if he didn't see that page 1/2 a second ago. Adorable. He now loves reading books. It is such a joy, he will pick up a book, walk over to you and turn around and sit in your lap to read. It is
sooo awesome. His favorite books are his Elmo books, his Thomas books, The Very Hungry
Caterpillar, Brown Bear, Sandra Boyton books, and a special Monkey book his Grandpa Yum Yum and Grandma LoLo gave him.
He also likes to watch TV a little much. He loves Thomas and Elmo, and will ask for them often. See the thing is, Daycare and the parks, etc. has brought a TON of illness this season, and when he is super sick, TV is usually the only way to get him to stop crying. We do what it takes. When he is not sick, we try to limit it to a little before bed in the crazy hour, and not every night.
D also loves to play soccer. He can say "soccer ball" so well. And, he's really good at kicking and running with the ball. He also loves to play racketball with Mommy's squash racket and a balloon. He still LOVES bubbles, stickers, and dancing. He loves to go riding in his car, to see the neighborhood dogs and cats, and he loves the park, especially slides. A new fan favorite? Brushing his teeth. He screamed when we tried to get him to do this a mere few months ago, now he squeals with delight! Go figure. He also knows EXACTLY what he wants, and has started to throw tantrums (and throw himself on the floor) when he doesn't get his way. We had our first major public meltdown at the Library, cause Momma wouldn't let him throw all the books on the floor. Sigh.
He's still a hit or miss with food. Usually, avocado, string cheese, chicken soup, eggs, cheerios, raspberries, bananas, turkey, apple sauce, cheddar bunnies, hummus and yogurt are the go to foods. And he can say almost all of those words!!!!!! But, just this night he ate broccoli like it was going out of style. He loves his milk and juice, not thrilled about water, unless he can pour or spill it!

Our happy guy - when he's not sick, and not not getting his way!

Oh, the devilish look, we get this often. He's smart, real smart, we are in serious trouble.

He loves books now. And is mostly gentle with them.

This Monkey Book is a favorite.

He loves to play with beans (pinto and coffee) in the kitchen while mommy cooks, and make a "mess" - "uh oh!"

But cleaning up is so much fun!!

The rain lovers bond.

I get to play in the rain, awesome!