Damien embarked on his first long travel trip to Los Angeles to have thanksgiving with the Klein's. We opted to drive since little D is still pretty young, we wanted him to have his first set of shots before plane travel. On the trip down we left around 8pm and he slept almost the whole way there except for a few quick feed and diaper change stops.
The next day, Wednesday, Mommy enjoyed getting her hair done and Papa recovered from the all night drive (we arrived at 3am) and got some work and a jog in while Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Candace (surprisingly the baby whisperer) gladly watched the little bug. Over the next few days Mommy and Papa enjoyed these extra pair of hands to get some extra rest and work done. The thanksgiving meal featured Richard's rotisserie turkey and many delicious sides prepared by Linda. It was heaven and fantastic, and thankfully Linda packed us home with lots of leftovers!
The few days we were down there flew by and were way to short for the Kleins who of course were smitten with Damien and didn't want him to leave. We drove home Saturday morning and it being day time (requiring more feeds and stops) and stop and go traffic on I-5, it took us a total of 9 hours to get home. Remarkably, Damien only had one small meltdown, and luckily it was a mile from a rest stop. He was a total champ for making it that long with minimal fuss, we are hopeful for our upcoming plane trips!

Little D with his Aunt Crystal.

Little D with his Aunt Candace, the baby whisperer.

Little D with his Aunt Pamela.
Damien and Mommy with her new hairdo.
Going for a pre-Thanksgiving stroll in the neighborhood.
Mommy's Boys!