Saturday, May 21, 2011

Damien Shops Organic

Damien, being the hippie Berkeley baby that he is, eats homemade organic food most of the time (or Earth's Best organic baby food). So, on a rare Saturday when Momma and Papa had no plans, the Craig's walked all the way from their home to the downtown Berkeley Farmer's Market - approx 40 min walk each way. Damien has not loved his stroller for long periods of time, until this day! He was an angel and didn't complain until Momma and Papa were almost done shopping. So, Damien was released from his bondage and enjoyed some organic fresh apple cider and some swing action. He was a happy camper. Afterwards, it was naptime, so Momma put the stroller into flat position, gave Damien his white noise giraffe that he sleeps with and his blanket, and off to bed he went for the ride home. A dreamy Saturday.

I love cups, especially when they are filled with whatever the heck this delicious stuff is.

First liquid candy, now swings, this is AWESOME!

Peace Bro - this Berkeley livin is alright.

I got you right where I want you Momma!

Yessssss, I am King of the World!

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